IMacs are NOT Horrid. For the record

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IMacs are NOT Horrid. For the record

Just couldn't see those words writ large without refuting them.
IMacs are beautiful, sleek, wonderful friends.
I love mine, its graphit grey and curls up on the edge of my desk, purrs when I use it.
It has some faults, but they are few. Like a tiny font while I write this.....but......its not important.

Anonymous's picture
Hi Gabrielle, IMAC's rule. I got one at work. Can't afford one for home though. Am sitting here in a state of pure jealousy :)
Anonymous's picture
It is only a computer you know. We must all count ourselves lucky to have a computer at all! But when you can't read any of the message boards on ABC without fiddle faddling about with cutting & pasting, iMacs are indeed horrid, hopeless, and failing in their duty to provide the user with pleasure.
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