Contemporary British Poets

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Contemporary British Poets

I would just like to know if anyone knows of any good contemporary poets from England (or do you guys prefer Great Britain, or does it not really matter?)

Anyway, I started to get into T.S. Eliot and all that, but I just want to know if anyone has a list of their favorite poets from this century. Thanks.

Some of the best English poets of today are to be found on here - check out bukharinwasmyfavouritecommunist, span, ivoryfishbone, jack cade, rokkitnite, gilbert and many others. Those not on here include John Hegley, Eddie Gibbons (who used to be on here and probably is still but I don't know his latest incarnation!), John Betjaman, Philip Larkin, WH Auden ... and others will no doubt add loads of others!
Eliot isn't really contemporary. There's a tremendous number of good contemporary poets from the UK. A list of just some: Seamus Heaney James Fenton Tony Harrison Michael Laskey Douglas Dunn John Burnside Paul Muldoon Daljit Nagra Paul Farley Michael Schmidt Andy Brown George Szirtes David Constantine Don Paterson Geoffrey Hill Wendy Cope and so on.


My blog: (link is external)

My favourite living British poets include David Constantine, Hamish Ironside, Mario Petrucci, Peter Sansom, John Stammers. I also like Don Paterson although I find his work quite difficult. I like lesser known Alain Presencer who is a UK domiciled Canadian born poet. Recently deceased poets whose work I enjoy are Michael Donaghy and Andrew Waterhouse. Faves from abc include Ivoryfishbone, Fergal, Stormy_Petrel, Spack, Gilbert and I'm still exploring and enjoying the work of newcomers, Wilkybarkid and Alan Benefit. They are all still alive as far as I know! You can try getting subscriptions to UK poetry magazines, Rialto, Envoi, Acumen may accept overseas subs. jude "Cacoethes scribendi" is external)


So "good contemporary poets" are about 2% female according to this 'discussion'? Interesting.
Catherine Smith is good but I am still reading and exploring her work... I would put Emily Wills (her collection's published by Rialto I think) in my top 10 but no, I don't think any other women make it into my list of fave well known British poets of today but that's 10% not 2%! jude "Cacoethes scribendi" is external)


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