Blogging- advice please!
I'm looking to make a bit of extra cash in my spare time and I had the idea of blogging, as I believe it is called. Done in a creative writing style, on observations of things that have happened during the week or whatever, things that trigger memories and further discussion, perhaps even a good old rant from time to time. I believe these blogging sites are quite common now but I am unsure as to whether or not they can earn you money somehow. I just thought it could be another way of doing some writing and expressing myself, as well as making a little cash if people enjoyed it. My question is- does such a place exist? I mean, I know these sites can be accessed for free so why people would pay to read something I'm not sure- unless maybe one had already made a name for themselves etc. Anyway, does anyone have any experience of something like this- any links etc? Or if this is unlikely are there any other money making writing places/possibilities (excluding competitions). Any info or advice greatly appreciated! :)
Parson Thru
Parson Thru