Looking for friends and story comments

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Looking for friends and story comments

Just looking for writers who enjoy Horror, Science Fiction, and Fantasy. I'm also looking for honest comments on my posted stories. If you comment on my work I will do the same for yours.

Hiya Bryan. Welcome to the site. The people here are great, and I think you can probably count any one of them a friend. Like all close knit communities, we have our spats, but nothing major. This is the friendliest writing site I've found. You've got the right attitude promising a comment back for every one you get. But if you get in first and leave some comments you'll soon find people whose work you like reading and you'll soon get reads. I'm a big Koontz, Laymon, Childs fan, though I think my beloved Koontz, the man I've fantasied about having babies with my entire adult life, should have retired at least ten books ago rather than churning out crap to keep his publisher happy.


This might be of interest to you Bryan... http://www.abctales.com/forum/2006/12/19/please-only-post-max-of-3-piece... regards Terry