Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point (and some member news!)

ABC Tales writer Colin Burnett (author of the absorbing and thought-provoking novel 'A Working Class State of Mind') has an article in today's issue of 'The National'. Anyone familiar with Colin's work will know that this is going to be well worth reading.

We've had some wonderful stories posted during the last seven days, but after a lot of thought Story of the Week goes to Marandina's 'The Edge of Heaven'. Like all good science fiction, this story looks at what it means to be human, and it does so beautifully and hauntingly: The Edge of Heaven | ABCtales

Sometimes you read a piece of writing that just stops you in your tracks, and onemorething's 'The Shadows of Birds' does that and more. A completely stunning piece of work, and it had to be our Poem of the Week: The Shadows of Birds | ABCtales

This week's Inspiration Point is here: Inspiration Point: Writing Cues To Battle Writer's Block | ABCtales

Hope everyone has a good week!