Kazeronnie Mak

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryInterlude Kazeronnie Mak03 years 2 weeks ago
StoryThe story of never have and already lost Kazeronnie Mak03 years 2 weeks ago
StoryThe only one who truly shares my entire life with……. Kazeronnie Mak23 years 2 weeks ago
StoryI got a name Kazeronnie Mak23 years 2 weeks ago

My stories


Something maybe happens. Something cannot let it happen. But, it happens in life always! And it is completely out of our expectations! All in all, it...

The story of never have and already lost

The spider = Zhu Er The nectar = Gan Lu The little grass = Prince Zhi Cao The strong wind = Princess Windy Once upon a time, a spider spun its web on...

I got a name

Everyone has his own name. The name is also his registered label! And how many people will protect it seriously? No matter the one is SOMEBODY or...

The only one who truly shares my entire life with…….

The conversations between a professor and a student in the evening class some time ago. The professor said to the students, “Let's play a game. Who'...
