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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryThe Dancing Sex Nuns of the Tenth Quadrant hadley211 years 8 months ago
StoryThe man with the Golden Cheese Baguette hadley311 years 10 months ago
StoryOn Brussels Sprouts and Other Erotica hadley212 years 10 months ago
StoryNaked Under Foreign Skies (Sestina) hadley513 years 4 months ago

My stories

Ordinary Dreaming

No springtime will come back to us, not now, Our day is gone, our chances are all missed. The train has left our station without us. We never did get to that special place

Things That Are Named

I have seen the names given to this world by those others, and the names they give themselves. It gives a solidity to the world, knowing that it is named and given a place within a scheme of things.

Full-Frontal Teenage Lesbian Sex Orgy

'Full-Frontal Teenage Lesbian Sex Orgy' is the latest film by the renowned documentary filmmaker Spasmodic Weaselinversion.

Something Could Happen

But, all days can start like this Here is nothing to be found, Except when walking the beaches For what the tide leaves behind. We expect a treasure, But find only stones, shells,

Sleep Upon The Moon

Now, look into the distances you hold cupped in your hands. Look into the world you can wave into being with a mere gesture of impatience with the imperfection that surrounds you.
