The Other Terrence Oblong

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryThe prayer hacking scandal The Other Terre...1013 years 5 months ago
StorySomeone on ABC Tales is trying to kill me Terrence Oblong613 years 5 months ago
StoryThe other Terrence Oblong Terrence Oblong713 years 5 months ago
Forum topicGeorgian England- books? Anonymous613 years 5 months ago
StoryLiberty Prison Terrence Oblong313 years 6 months ago

My stories


Infinite monkey theorem

“Is that you James?” he said, without waiting for me to answer, “I’ve got a story I’d like you to look into.”

Autumn in Singleton Park

“Oy, you’re standing on my nuts!” I lifted my foot, obeying without thought. Sure enough there were two Kent cobs beneath my feet, still in their husks.

The goat happiness man

I first met the goat happiness man at the market stall where I worked. “Take this,” I said offering him a small piece of herb, “it will make you fertile. Your wife will be very happy.”

Terrence Oblong’s 10 greatest mistakes (IP)

As a clone of Terrence Oblong I often hang my head in shame at the disastrous life my genetic twin has lived.
