Itane Vero

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryThe poor in spirit Itane Vero411 years 8 months ago
StoryWhat we do Itane Vero211 years 8 months ago
StoryLike old friends do Itane Vero211 years 8 months ago
StoryIs this desire Itane Vero411 years 8 months ago

My stories

Ode to uncertainty

Because she's regularly treated as a pest or a weed. Once we suspect she's present, we do all we can to get rid of her: we create systems, religions...


He takes a worn spade, opens his heart and starts patiently to dig all the dirt from his bloodstained organ. When the heart is purified, he suddenly...

Inspiration (on the border) I.P.

We use to think that good ideas are like welcome guests. Once announced, they jump into daily life. They seep through our world, thoughts, plans...

The last will be the first

How it unravels. The extroverted light. From what? Scientists will point out. It's from that yellow ball of gas filled with quirky elements. To name...

Through early morning fog (I see)

Can we ever start over again? Like a wispy day after a heavy night storm, like an island in the ocean after a volcanic eruption, like a meagre...
