Itane Vero

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryWhat we do Itane Vero211 years 8 months ago
StoryLike old friends do Itane Vero211 years 8 months ago
StoryIs this desire Itane Vero411 years 8 months ago

My stories

The whole world

In our imagination, life is often simple. There are days, there are nights. There is poverty, there is wealth. There are living people, there are...


When it all breaks down. The nights, the walls, the spectacle, the future, the good intentions. When this all is in tatters, is it indeed in pieces?...

Stayin' alive

That's the way it goes. Our lust for stories is as physical as well-fed Belgian horses. That's what I mean. Our longing for trust is as substantial...

Openings scene (I.P. Thanksgiving)

I tear up the map and let the snippets of paper float through my world like white swallows. When I got so far. The people I meet, their words are as...

Let there be light

The sun is already there. The unnamed clouds. The drunken trees, the lazy grass. The platypus has arrived. The brittle ants. Together with the lions...
