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I have 202 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 95773 times and 34 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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a102866's picture
Stephen Parker

My stories

Discordant Hearts Stride Scale

A somber mood tracking a waning moon as savage wolves indiscriminately croon Pinging cymbals clash Forceful egos slash Restive symbols climb metric scale Truant signs do disharmony braille

Sentient Raindrops

If each, careening raindrop a sentience entrains, then why do phobic, living creatures obstain All distinct droplets an archetypal life contains, yet to glimmering coat of mail, each enchains

Lover's Moon

On the dark side eclipsing my inhibitions your full moon

Sentence: My Girlfriend's Period

A period, your sentence a run-on, oozing from your distended colon, with dangling modifiers, no words left to describe your mood-altering pattern; so please close the loose ends,

Duplicitous Love

Your blond locks still flow freely Yet warm body-brushes entropy To coarser strands give empathy Bright, beaming eyes still sparkle blue But I no longer sweet glances accrue
