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I have 204 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 103070 times and 34 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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a102866's picture
Stephen Parker

My stories

Milieu of War Weary Soldier

From the killing fields of pain Into a steady, melancholy rain Physically exhausted, mentally drained Conscience with dross of war stained Structured existence of automaton gone

First Kiss

First, Victorian kiss Pairing of stiff lips A primordial peck Decorum, rhyme remiss Solar eclipse blighted time Warmth from stem to stern But dry lips a crusty berm

Cherry Nuptial: Cherry Vidual

Cherries pale yellow tinged with red Colorful umbrella, mercurial spread Mellowing veil hovers overhead Hand staid until dark color, pungent odor wed

Sentient Embrace of My Chaste Lover

If desire crests from craven heart On my duplicitous eyes w'ont chart With clever guise will deliver Cupid's dart From ducts, drain silt that lust does cart

Bridge to Fealty

Bartered memories with lust twined Truant souls that could never bind Carnal fancies solemnly pined Exchanged for fealty and left behind Hopes sacrificed; dreams resigned
