Alan Russell

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I have 193 stories published in 5 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 200579 times and 36 of my stories have been cherry picked.
5 of my 164 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 5 votes

Alan Russell's picture
Alan Russell


My stories

Britain's Gas Supplies and Energy Security

I first wrote this piece in September 2017 which was self published on another site. The reason for resurrecting it is that on the BBC News website...

Sex and Marriage

Before I got married I lived by myself. Living by yourself you develop your own routine so that you know where everything is when you need it and...

Uncle Patrick and The Age of Elegance

Uncle Patrick used to arrive at my grandparent’s house on a Lambretta scooter with Aunt Margaret riding pillion in the early 1960’s. Lambrettas were...

Omar's Diary to 23rd February 2018 - football, lameness and sore ears

Sunday saw quite an evening for a dark horse. No, Man Servant had not subscribed to a racing channel so we could watch one of his 100/1 selections...

Omar's Diary for Sunday 18th February 2018

Man Servant’s prime tribulation yesterday morning, Saturday, was getting his Waterman fountain pen to function so we could work together at drafting...
