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I have 50 stories published in 6 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 53541 times and 14 of my stories have been cherry picked.

alang's picture
Alan Goodenough

My stories

We Are Creation

she is the goddess of my raging heart i open the window and she lights the flame the sky burns with our passion as clouds evaporate in the heat desolate world we are your ending

Eternity Deprivation

rock your roll let it flow magical notes with powered chords my dreams laid bare this crimson afternoon of fuzzed guitars and potent beats of danced delicacy lined walls with sound

Oh God

crushing penetrating thrust the walls come down and the ride begins till juices mix and voices scream ecstasy empathy oh god oh god oh god oh fuck.


intricate pattern seen from air ever moving like striking tentacle a dozen or more billion tendrils and then there's just me and you and that guy over there and his mother bound to wheelchair

No Shoes!

fueled up and ready to riot but i can't find my shoes where are my shoes? I can't go out barefoot! People will stare at me well... ….well.... let them stare! warm tarmac heats my soles
