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I have 423 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
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Andrew David Hunt

I am a 54 year old divorced man who is the proud father of four children.  This year I achieved a ba honours degree in English language and literature. I have six self-published books of poetry with e-publishing companies, 

My stories

This room is filled with you

This room is filled with you: whose tender tremors are still felt within these jasmine scented sheets. Your heady scent is here.... Its not a dim remembered echo,

an archaic doodle for now

wild ship hold fast and steer this sweet refrain lest time and its hinted echo leaves us...naught but steers this ship far from rockier Isles To leave us as dust

Echoed thoughts from a winters walk

From burnt Orange and pale turquoise, Light, changes through the winter trees; To mutate them into beings. Their coarse hair Now stretches out along the high spine;


There's nothing in the world of matter, just mere rocks that collect dust In spirals; outside is a vacuum a cacophony of silence benumbing to the ears and its bloody old

As my mind slowly ponders on visions of you.

As my mind slowly ponders on visions of you: Oh… how I long to see you gently smile, As you twist a curl, and then so deftly fly, You seem to fall; yet are forever strong,
