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I have 16 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 14890 times and 2 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Amanda-Moo's picture
Amanda Hooper

My collections

My stories

Purple is.

Purple is sticky and it's warm Purple is a coming storm Purple's soft and Purple's Frisky Purple's safe and Purple's risky Purple's potent, Purple's rare Purple has a royal air

Blue is.

Blue is sad and bittersweet Blue is mellow, slow, discreet Blue's angelic, Blue's at ease Blue is oceans, lakes, and seas Blue is a baby's whining cry Blue is sorry, Blue's goodbye

Green is.

Green is jealous, Green is sick Green is slimy, Green is thick Green is nature, Green is Earth Green is living, Green is birth Green is giving, Green is lent Green is counted, Green is spent

Yellow is.

Yellow's blinding, stunning, strong Yellow is a canary's song Yellow's sweet and Yellow's kind Yellow will make you lose your mind Yellow's funny, Yellow's fast Yellow always has a blast

Orange Is.

Orange is quirky, dorky, fun Orange is open, Orange is sun Orange is brilliant, Orange is keen Orange is noticed, Orange is seen Orange is happy, loud, and bright Orange is really quite a sight
