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I have 200 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 154057 times and 75 of my stories have been cherry picked.

amlee's picture


My stories


Can we sing of our injuries of arrows borne in our hearts when from dreams we are wrenched and when loved ones depart Can we laud a saint's calling...

SKY FALL: All in a Day's Work For a Homeless Shelter Runner

Think I've found a new strap line for The Shelter Project Hounslow: TSPH; contains nut. So for the second time in my life I got pushed out of a tiny...

The Little Matchbox

A picture came to my mind recently, when I was in meditative mode. I had a vision of a small matchbox. It was sitting in a forlorn corner of a wall...


I sit amongst you taut with pretend informality soaking up the same cold air watching the same dust float as iced specks caught in the headlamp of...

Seeing Red

I watched the sky at sunset tonight. I'd been looking at the sky all day today, at different times, looking for elevation, and change. I noted the...
