Angela McCrimmon
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I have been in the Mental Health System for over 20 years, or should I say that I've survived in the Mental Health System for over 20 years! Multiple Psychiatrists, multiple medications and multiple diagnosis's. I've fallen down many times but somehow I always managed to drag myself back up. If only Mental Health professionals could see the strength that takes instead of only meeting the illness when I have to present in a crisis. Now coming out the other side, the only desire of my heart is to reach out and help other people battling the same war. I hope that my writing may resonate with them that somehow they would feel someone truly does understand and more importantly someone does truly believe them! So many never understand the "invisible illness" apart from those who live with one. I'm not just turning the page, I'm closing a whole chapter and anticipating positive, exciting things to start the next one with. Wish me luck!