Anne Shirley

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I have 29 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 22605 times

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My stories


In the morning, I crack eggs into a pan. I stand and watch the golden suns sizzle in fat. I want them sunny side down, The yellow slammed into the heat. I think of baby chickens,


Through my mind the words flew, tightly ordered in tiny parachutes. In bite sized clusters, easy, simple. And now I watch, the parachutes fall apart.

The Walk.

Doesn’t she know she’s fat? Proudly she walks along, a swing of satisfaction behind her. Double D’s, in all their glory introducing her to the world. In heels and tights;

I live in a perfect world.

I live in a perfect world. Smiling faces, washed dogs and hand shakes. In my house I am surrounded by clean, white walls. Pristine cream,

Join me in paradise.

Alone imprisoned, in our own individual self designed asylums. Hoping to lure another, walls painted bright and sane. So when a lonely man in his confusion wanders past my door,
