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I have 46 stories published in 5 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 32869 times and one story has been cherrypicked.
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beatrice stephenson

My name is Beatrice Stephenson (although you can call me bea for short ;)) and live with my parents in a london town called Uxbridge. i am now 20 years old and have been dappling with poetry since i was 16 and writing since much younger. I am currently writing a novel called Otherplace on and off for the last four or five years (why wont it finish!?!?) But i have written loads of poems and have actually managed to complete a number of very short stories! Beleive me this is anaccomplishment  for me XD.  I am open to opinions (good and bad) and would appreciate and comments and advice your willing to give

My stories

The Selkie Prince

Behold the mysterious Selkie A child forever torn between Land and sea Whilst a seal The creature longs for land But as a human Is trapped, stranded...

The Girl And The Phoenix

There was once a girl, sweet and innocent. She had met a handsome young man some years earlier and was now his loving wife. But he was impulsive and...

Blood of The Roots

Little brothers, little sisters we shall rise Blood shall bubble from our roots as we destroy those we despise In that stump, trapped in the earth...

The Darkness

I feel it seeping through My skin Consuming my soul From within My arm pulsed as it surged through My veins Taking every part of me That remains Now...

The Wise Man and the Wolf

The Wise Man saw the Wolf hunt all day and all night, yet could also see that the wolf was far from well fed. “Creature of four legs and fur” said...
