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I have 29 stories published in 5 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 17422 times and 2 of my stories have been cherry picked.

britishbecca's picture
Rebecca Dowling

My stories



I’m bitter about history. It seems to me that the wrong people keep getting the credit. History would have us believe that we can’t Make a Difference.

Sweet Home, Iowa

Far away from the dirt and smoke there's a little town in one of the vast, empty states in the middle.

Talking Statues

Daphias strode into the open, bustling piazza at the centre of town.

Picture a Leaf...

"Of all the wonders I have beheld in all the magnificence of the world this shining flower stands alone. Never before and, I suspect, never again will I such beauty and poetry in nature."

A Christmas Miracle

"This reunion must be costing a fortune." Daniel said, looking up at the hotel. He had to lean over the wheel to see the top floor.
