I have 186 stories published in
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Oh! Honey babe let down your auburn hair don't worry about what to wear Put your arms around me give me a bear hug but not to tight Grab our coats and you your pipe go to-night
I try to put colour in all I do now I have imagination to make it all interesting but can't do punctuation A dot. a comma, "Speech" mark to there and their's no wonder I have grey hair
Oh! My little white dove taking flight in the darkest night Offering Peace joy and love all over the world true it is only a card from a long time friend I put you on the mantlepiece
The pink lady when I was young loved playing on the bongo drums wore a pink scarf like her mum she thought to her delight I'll have a go and bang the gong to-night In the days of films
With his fretsaw could make all kind of things One was a small plywood model shaped like a house the man on the left woman on th right When it was rain and showers