cheung shun sang

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I have 97 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 39887 times and one story has been cherrypicked.

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cheung shun sang

My stories

Clean at hands

Clean at hands…. We are light and airy utter. We are poor also despair. We are differed much to rich in living ways. Poor are weak and bared with hands.

In default of

would be uncle who make you fall-you the tyranny

To be or not to be

To be or not to be,… To be in love with china country,… To be in love with your china peoples.. To be in love with your commie party (china),..


Baloney…. Bully others cause by masters strength and poses. Fall your faces and first to grounds because dirt may good.

Cheer and root Hong Kong Donald Jung

Cheer and root is DONALD JUHG. Act a way in open also other evil schemes in secret. Overt does or convert acts are china tyrants ’contacts.
