cheung shun sang

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I have 97 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 40378 times and one story has been cherrypicked.

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cheung shun sang

My stories


Clan.. The organic laws realistic courts to fit at and fill to you but details my demon. There are trickers and lairs. They fit at some but hide...


World and busines and peace... Actions bring some change in mind or in deeds. Actions reacted are also changed. What are causes are events of fates...


Advancement.. Farther of medicine mention asGREEK HIPPOCRSTES. However earth and sky .have no gods. We collect and use medicines by try and error....


Advancement.. Farther of medicine mention asGREEK HIPPOCRSTES. However earth and sky .have no gods. We collect and use medicines by try and error....

Some lotus

Some lotus... Lotus dreams have lotus seeds. Who is ARHAT got to see. Flying wheels will fling and fly. Hollow couch and we are tie. Face to sit and...
