David Maidment

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I have 242 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 172543 times and 131 of my stories have been cherry picked.

David Maidment's picture

My stories


The Madonna and the Political Prisoner, Chapter 17

Mari and Joshua discuss the problem of suffering and Joshua's true mission and his need to go to Jerusalem. Stepping into deep water here...

The Enginemen, Chapter 16

George is woken up to face a fatality at the depot and its consequences...

The Madonna and the Political Prisoner, Chapter 16/2

Mari decides to accompany Joshua and his friends when they go to Jerusalem and James insists on coming to keep an eye on his mother.

The Madonna and the Political Prisoner, Chapter 16/1

Mari questions Mary Magdalene re her relationship with Joshua and news arrives of the death of John the Baptist

The Enginemen, Chapter 15/2

Was it an accident, manslaughter or murder?
