David Maidment

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I have 242 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 166126 times and 131 of my stories have been cherry picked.

David Maidment's picture

My stories


The Madonna and the Political Prisoner, Chapter 2/2

Mari tells her mother what happened and is persuaded to talk to the local rabbi about Joshua's future education.

The Madonna and the Political Prisoner Chapter 2/1

Mari arrives back home in Nazareth to a worried and crowded homestead.

The Enginemen, Chapter 2

It's March 1961 and the Shedmaster has a new proposal which receives a mixed response. It's not just for railway buffs...

The Enginemen - Chapter 1

The scene setter, a chapter that will be remembered much later in the book... much later...

The Enginemen - Preface

Something quite different from me - a novel with a realistic railway background featuring the reaction of two very different drivers to the change from steam to diesel traction at their depot.
