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I have 1203 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 456853 times and 87 of my stories have been cherry picked.

delapruch's picture

My stories

the promise

somewhere along the way s/he lost track of themselves--- perhaps it was because they had been hurt before & swore to never go into anything full swing again, or perhaps it was out of a genuine

kleenex et champagne

from kleenex to champagne & back again the torrid twister rips through life with its emotional whirlwind of idiosyncratic hang-ups that show their face after a few months &

instinct outside of context

walking down the street driving in the car riding on the train flying on the plane an eye for more than just the routine comes about like a pleasant smelling incense filling the room &

narcissistic parent

dear dear narcissistic parent, no one gives a shit about your kid--- just because you wanted to be a parent just because that is what you envisioned for yourself

the trained animal

person a: so who are you gonna vote for this election? person b: omitted
