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I have 7 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 5749 times and one story has been cherrypicked.

Dreamerslover's picture
Love Angel-ova

My stories

Wolves are kissable?!

A recent reasearch has shown that wolves howl when they are in love. I just wanted to ask if it is true, when it comes to you? Do you howl? Or do you...

Nonsense play

If I had to sell you with a single word, I'd scream 'PRICELESS'! Happy bidding now. The story teller's voice was mild and pleasant, we could not see anything on the screen.

Blazing tulips

I woke up with a painful nostalgia for tulips, with every muscle in my body aching to feel them. Haven’t seen those live in a million years. Being sick of the artificial ones that surround me.

Infinite Sky

’Come here! Take this sandwich, the pizza is mine!’ Said Oliver while passing something which looked more like the soil of a shoe, or at least it was a sandwich a long time before we met.
