Ed Crane

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I have 259 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 387606 times and 258 of my stories have been cherry picked.
207 of my 2,006 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 216 votes

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My stories

Gold cherry

Autumn Colours (2)

We emerged in spring proud to wear our psychedelic green, we fluttered in May’s breeze doing our duty providing sustenance for our trees. In Sun and...

Autumn Colours

While trees bordering the Potomac turn their greens to fire and golden leaves of Oak and Elm are released to dance on Pennsylvania Avenue or flutter...

Bus Spotting (London)

London Competition Entry.

Hope I (Gustav Klimt 1903)

This ferment within me is already sucking life out of me. A bag of leeches swimming in the blood they crave, bloat me into some long drowned animal...
