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I have 5 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 2142 times

elysia.salmon's picture
Elysia Salmon

My stories


Forget the things thrown, Forget the things said, Forget the screaming, tears and untidy beds, Just forget the things stuck in our minds . I'll leave right now, With my head held high ,


© 2013 Elysia Salmon I toiled at the things you wrote, Contemplated all the things you said. You taught me to write, express, divulge, But not how to stop me from falling,


His lies the leaves that fall one by one from the tree, once bare, there is no cover to hide your deceit. Can you stop the leaves from falling ?


The words longing to be freed, longing to be read, longing to be shared. The multitude of emotion, so innocent so pulchritudinous.


Dancing through the valleys of luscious green, embracing the warm summer sun as it beats down onto you lifeless body to breath life into you once more,