Frances Macaulay Forde

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I have 69 stories published in 11 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 98156 times and 20 of my stories have been cherry picked.
20 of my 316 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 20 votes

Frances Macaulay Forde's picture
Sue Coughlan

lives on the Sunset Coast of Australia and writes for page, stage and screen.

My stories

The Boffin

bookshops are like lovers they numb in black & white then seduce you with colour... Won 3rd prize in NSW Writing Competition.

My Car (poem & video)

Red used to be my favourite colour. I'd just get Tinkerbell (my 1983 Mitsubishi Colt) cruising nicely at sixty kilometres an hour then red.

Write to Romance (short story pub. in 2000 'Urban Scrawl')

It was no good. Jessica couldn't stop herself. Her eyes scoured the room again - where was he? A gentle cough from somewhere high behind her, made her turn and bam! Their eyes locked.

Cynical Cinquains

1. She lay prostrate. Waiting. Will he stay a while when their beating hearts have calmed down? Never.
