Frances Macaulay Forde

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I have 69 stories published in 11 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 99127 times and 20 of my stories have been cherry picked.
20 of my 316 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 20 votes

Frances Macaulay Forde's picture
Sue Coughlan

lives on the Sunset Coast of Australia and writes for page, stage and screen.

My stories

Moment of Birth

My Darling One you are so new helpless - yet so strong! You didn't really need the Doctor quiding you along... Now I know how every mother feels at...

Lakeside on Campus

I’m sitting here next to the lake listening to the Magpie’s talk, the Wood Ducks peep, the fountains filter their water. This is the first entry into...

Wardrobe Mistress

I stood in front of the wardrobe we shared and stared and stared. I had just seen her with overalls down below her knees, your familiar bare bum...


That moment when I realized you weren’t asleep, I couldn’t cry. I wanted to, thought I should, but I couldn’t shed tears for all those years when I...

Tall Tree Tanka

Unfortunately too many enjoy trying to fell tall trees when they should be hugged. We need to learn to look up. Frances Macaulay Forde © 2014
