hejira j

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I have 87 stories published in 7 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 73677 times and 42 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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My stories



And it is coming round Like the pointed arms Of that dancer on telly Tick-tick-tick I know it's a nasty programme But I was moved. Although you are now Twenty girls ahead

The Dirty Book.

The dirty book Smiles at us for days From the top shelf. We have to climb to get it. I am volunteered On account of my supreme agility. It is called The Joy of Sex. It features a man


He liked to crunch The hairy bit The chewy fat A habit That made her gag. For her, it was indicative Of a lasciviousness The grease would speckle His lips and remind her


I have had this book out Four times now- 'Autobiographics' By Leigh Gilmore How we can theorise Our life stories. Gilmore eschews Familiar generic questions Apparently. I eschew the theory

Knife (fragment)

This is about more than cutlery.
