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I have 133 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 67343 times and 26 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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James Fountain

My stories


Odds The chances are the game’s safe, but who knows, laced with prophetic weight, I gave you grief for my indiscretion, laid it all at your door. Yet...

Elegy to Ka Channthy, Khmer Rock Star

The world changes, as if on a whim, and I watched and met a singer last week who sang of such things, of never-ending love, and of that which recedes...

Crawling Back

Gemini came back last night, cruised in on social media, tried to trap me again, darkly demonic in her shortened blonde locks, intent on marriage,...

Flowers From a Book

Opening up my notebook with your flowers inside, beautiful, like you, colours and complexity catching the eyes, the grass stem you used to tie them...

Diamond Mine

Last night your face swirled between an alto sax and a lead guitar in a jazz club in London, somewhere amongst a beer and a Bloody Mary, your spirit...
