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I have 895 stories published in 45 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 1732266 times and 270 of my stories have been cherry picked.
402 of my 5,470 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 406 votes

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Jean Day


My stories

We Three - Act 1 - Scene 2

CHAPTER 2 - 1852 - FUNERAL OF WILLIAM HALL ACT I, Scene 2 The date is October 5, 1852. The scene is outside the Holt St. Unitarian Church, in Everton...

We Three - Act 1

CHAPTER 1 - GOING AWAY PARTY FOR CHARLES ACT I (1850-1860), Scene 1. 1850 INVITATION: We are having a farewell party for Charles Walker, who takes up...

The Great Cley Floods - the end

June 1853 It was summertime and the schools had finished for their six weeks' break. Rachel was home most of the time with her mother. It has been a...

The Great Cley Floods 13

May, 1953 Eventually the time came and Mary caught the bus from outside the Forge, going first through Holt, and then on to Norwich. The trip would...

The Great Cley Floods 12

Later that evening Mary approached Martin. “I know you don’t believe my story, but if there was some way of proving it was true, would that convince...
