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I have 895 stories published in 45 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 1732200 times and 270 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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Jean Day


My stories

The Portrait - the Play Acts V and the Village again

Act V. Honeymoon visit Place: Sunnyside Cottage, Hunworth, Norfolk Those involved: Jan Day, Headmaster of Elizabeth College, Guernsey, aged 56 his...

The Portrait - the Play Acts III and IV

Act III Date: February 6, 1908 Place: 7 Lansdowne Crescent, Worcester List of characters: Louisa Trew King, aged 61, granddaughter of Richard and...

The Portrait - the Play Acts I and II

Act I. The Unveiling Date: April 5, 1851 Those involved in the story: Richard Trew - aged 57, Mayor of Axbridge, and Clerk to Guardians of the...

The Portrait

Place: a picnic table outside Lady Nascent's Estate, The Village Those involved: Jean Day, who writes mainly historical and family history books John...

Lumenism over the Hudson

Here I am – relocated again – but at least I am in a position of some importance this time - on the mantle piece. I would have preferred to live in...
