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I have 895 stories published in 45 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 1577581 times and 270 of my stories have been cherry picked.
402 of my 5,472 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 406 votes

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Jean Day


My stories


Janus 12

I have other hospital stories to share, but this last week has put all that out of my mind. Last Thursday the District stoma nurse came to visit, and...

Hospital 3 and Janus 11

For those of delicate sensibilities, skip this chapter. I thought I should give the specific details as I know them of what my new body is like. It...

Hospital 2, Janus 10

Midnight April 30 When I woke up all the lights were off on ward. Shadowy shapes all around me. When I open my eyes, they disappear. But somebody...

Hospital 1 and Janus 9

Thursday 28 April I had lots of discomfort in my intestinal region over night. Luckily my daughter slept over, as we are due to have the second lot...

The Straw Hat 2

26 September, 1811 Papa had to go to the Old Bailey today to give evidence against Rebecca. I wanted to go too, but he said it wasn’t an appropriate...


402 of my comments have received 406 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

Hi Rhiannan

Posted on Tue, 01 Nov 2022

Hi Rhiannan


How very true, and how well said.

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Posted in Pressures

1 Vote

Hi Jenny

Posted on Mon, 24 Oct 2022

Hi Jenny

You tell the story in such a way that we felt like we were there too. In fact, I think I was probably in the same rain storm, as it sounds very familiar. I'm glad it turned out well for you.

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Posted in You Never Know

1 Vote

HI Paul

Posted on Tue, 25 Oct 2022

HI Paul


You do get away with murder, almost.  Funny as ever, and clver.

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Posted in Halloween Boris

1 Vote

Hi Ray

Posted on Sat, 15 Oct 2022

Hi Ray


I really enjoyed readidng your poem, which put your whole life down in a few stanzas and yet managed to give a good picture of you.  well done.

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Posted in Here

1 Vote

Hii Jenny

Posted on Thu, 22 Sep 2022

Hii Jenny

Beautiful description of autumn things. 

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Posted in In Lucid Dreams

1 Vote


Posted on Wed, 21 Sep 2022



Another exciting chapter.  Good descriptiongs of everything.

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Posted in In the Vale of the Shadow King (Part Two of Six)

1 Vote

Hi Rhiannon

Posted on Tue, 11 Oct 2022

Hi Rhiannon

Such a lovely poem - your use of words always amazes me. 

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Posted in Preparation

1 Vote


Posted on Thu, 29 Sep 2022


I live across from two big horsechestnut trees, so there are always loads of conkers and their accompanying bits around. The actual conkers are taken up very quickly. I read they sell for quite big amounts on the internet. I think they...

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Posted in Shiny treasure

1 Vote

Hi Paul

Posted on Sun, 18 Sep 2022

Hi Paul


A good start to your story. I found it very easy to visualise the people and places, and the story line in compelling.

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Posted in In the Vale of the Shadow King (Part One of Six)

1 Vote

Hi Rhiannon

Posted on Fri, 23 Sep 2022

Hi Rhiannon

What a lovely tribute to the much needed rain.  As usual so few words give such an impression.

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Posted in Welcome sound
