Jim Archibald

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I have 24 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 15901 times and 2 of my stories have been cherry picked.
2 of my 17 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2 votes

Jim Archibald's picture
Jim Archibald


My stories

The Maiden and the Gypsy

He sucked from her the dewy distillation of her soul. In undertones of light he whispered futures past and present. He crafted yellow sunflowers on...

Les Courses des Fetes

The skittling, seasonal, south-west wind cuts the corner by the church. It leaves the Christmas message on branded cheek, nose and ear. At the Tabac...

Mille Cherubini in Coro

A biting, grasping cold. The land in stark outline, washed in the effervescence of a vaulted star. The world in waiting; poor, benighted, watchful...

Santa Stops Here

"Santa Stops Here." That's what all the signs say as I leave the Portsmouth suburbs under the cover of darkness. He's going to be really busy if all...

A Turkish Delight

Kamal Scinkote was the oldest man in the village. He had been born in the reign of Morkhum Bey, a time of great prosperity for the Turkish Empire...
