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I have 298 stories published in 4 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 257176 times and 204 of my stories have been cherry picked.
4 of my 75 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 5 votes

JupiterMoon's picture

Open-mic poet, writer and eternal optimist.

Book two of The Keepers of the Song series, The Sisterkin, now available: www.haveyougotthekindness.com

Debut publication painting for lemonade now available: www.cerasuspoetry.com 

My stories



mcdonalds we broke the noiseless lift with small-talk. she mentioned copd training, i recommended an Italian restaurant i had not long left. she said...

the loneliness of the long distance diner

the loneliness of the long distance diner the crisp, white linen almost holds my gaze, your empty chair – silent in the flickering light. we dine by...
Gold cherry

sunset park, oxford road

sunset park, oxford road i used to sit in this park, for the downing of the sun, quelling the thirst as it drew low, tucking in the homeless like...


blunted we’re all working so furiously, to take the sting out of life, blunting our edges, with drugs, or drink, or working late under artificial...


spent the scrying glass, now knows only dark. a blackness, i find nothing in; can make no sense of, any longer. hope, used to swirl like a vision,...
