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I have 298 stories published in 4 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 257205 times and 204 of my stories have been cherry picked.
4 of my 75 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 5 votes

JupiterMoon's picture

Open-mic poet, writer and eternal optimist.

Book two of The Keepers of the Song series, The Sisterkin, now available: www.haveyougotthekindness.com

Debut publication painting for lemonade now available: www.cerasuspoetry.com 

My stories

two winged bugs connected by a sex act

two winged bugs connected by a sex act at first i thought it was shiny dirt, something caught by the sun round southwest of my hot coffee. so i brought my eyes closer,

today being Thursday

today being Thursday today is a beautiful day. the sky is open like a book waiting to be written; with rather more gentle blue pages, than duck egg white. some of the leaves

a pause that isn't a pause

a pause that isn’t a pause a man throws five coins into the wishing well. there is little grace, each throw an agitated arc. in silence, he makes five quick wishes,

the dying of the £1 wasp

the dying of the £1 wasp trapped within a cheap card shop, closed tight, for the night, a wasp nudges the window over, and over, and over, straining for first light. struggling

cat street

cat street these are the guards of my weekday mornings: soft hill beacons, paws neatly at rest. together like lips that have ceased speaking. arranged around my walk,
