I have 42 stories published in
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My stories have been read 71584 times
and 27 of my stories have been cherry picked. 12 of my 148 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 12 votes
...walking as fast as I could, no collar on my coat, no hood, no hand to hold on to, little face patched blue, teeth chatter...flamenco fairies feet...
Ravens rummaging for treasured fruits, in caves of white conceal their loot. A tinsel wrapped Dolly, bells ding-a-ling, imagination thrives on golden...
Snowman, his coat a trillion frosty threads...crotched by Jack, the naughty mischief maker. Each crystal cast perfect by Boreas. # Blizzard bullies,...
The saffron Queen spins the lilac sky, her rays flick crimson cinders into Royal Blue Oceans. Submerge, sizzle, frizzle...going, going, gone! ...But...