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I have 42 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 71583 times and 27 of my stories have been cherry picked.
12 of my 148 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 12 votes

Ladylily's picture
Geraldine Douglas

My stories

Gold cherry

Promises of Spring.

A Robin, crotched patch of feathers, flush-blush red, preens, his reflection caresses sheets of virgin snow. Frosted limbs of a Cherry tree shine as...

Accents of Spring.

Spring giggles its ascension transforming to an ocean of coral. A visible silence erupts diminishing darkness to a sea of Gypsies kisses. Signature...

Amira of Aleppo...Don't Forget Me...

Blasts, hotter than a dragon’s kiss, cindered aromas of cinnamon and cumin, pomegranates hang like shrunken heads. I stand in muffled silence, humble...

My Hopeless Heart.

The singing of Skylarks eases nothing, nor a sunset closing it’s orange eye, to be smothered in swirls of pearls. A hanging rose, a skeletoned body...

The Essence of the Rose.

Tiers...perfumed tincture of its central perfection, a mystic beauty. The maidens dance morn and noon, faeries jive the pale-faced moon. Rosa shines...
