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I have 156 stories published in 29 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 106491 times and 14 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Leno's picture

My stories

The Outcast - Chapter One

If I knew what was going to happen when I went home, I would have stayed longer.

The Outcast - Prologue

I never wanted things to go this way. It was never my plan. All I wanted was a little attention, maybe a little love. Was that honestly so much to ask for?

Shadow Field Chapter Three- Road to Recovery

The daylight woke him, and he yawned, stretching slightly. He had a slight headache, he realized, but it wasn't really anything but a slight annoying throb at the back of his mind.

Shadow Field Chapter Two- Attack in the Forest

Luke sighed as he faced the edge of the forest that the men had run from. His heart was racing around wildly in his chest, and try as he might to calm it, he couldn't.

Shadow Field Chapter One- Place in the Forest (Part Two)

Please read prologue and first part of chapter one before reading this, thank you.
