Shadow Field Chapter One- Place in the Forest (Part Two)
By Leno
- 558 reads
Part One/Volume One of the Crystals of Power
Chapter One:
Place in the Forest (Part Two)
For about fifteen minutes, they walked silently. Terin didn't like the silence at all, and felt uneasy. But Luke didn't seem to mind it. He seemed to have forgotten that Tern was there. When they jumped over a rock in a small river and then climbed on a tree, using it as a bridge over a large ditch, Luke paused to wait and make sure Terin made it. Terin made it, but it was slower than Luke. Terin sort of felt like he was a burden, and it made him slightly irritated. He felt useless, but Luke looked patient. Luke didn't say anything, only kept walking. Terin began to worry that they were lost, and wondered where Luke was taking him. Did the elder boy even know where he was going? He must have, as he seemed to be walking witha determined expression. Terin became slightly uneasy.
'I don't think he really trusts me,' he said to Saurian, in his mind.
'Maybe we have to trust him first,' said his Crusian.
He sighed and gave a small nod, following after the elder boy. After what seemed like hours to Terin, the two of them came to a stop. Luke looked at him and placed a finger to his lips, a signal to be quiet. He nodded and then followed as Luke walked forward a little more, into a small clearing with a creek running through it. Tents were set up there, and small fires were burning, pots over them, boiling food. Terin could smell it, and licked his lips. He hadn't eaten anything all day, and was starving now.
"Luke," said a voice from their left, and the two of them turned to see a male walking toward them, a smile on his face. He was pretty tall, about six-foot-one, with dark brown hair tied back into a slender ponytail, and topaz eyes. "You made it." his eyes glittered as he looked at Luke, smiling brightly.
Luke smiled, and Terin looked at him. He hadn't seen the elder boy smile before. In fact, Luke looked happy for once, and that made him smile as well. He found that he liked Luke's smile. It was warm and amused. "Yes, I did. I told you I would. Do I ever break my word?"
The male gave a laugh. "No, you don't." he looked at Terin. "And who is this? Is he going to eat with us?"
"...I guess," said Luke. "Terin, this is Drake. Drake, this is Terin," he said, introducing the two of them.
Drake nodded at Terin. "Hello, kid. Nice to meet you." he stuck out his hand for Terin to shake.
Terin took it. "Ditto," he said. He glanced around. "What...where are we?" he asked, looking to Luke for answers.
"...At a camp," the elder boy answered. "Drake is-"
"I'm the camp's second-in-command. We're trying tos tay safe. We're refugees, wandering about. As we moved, our group kept growing. Now...we've got about a hundred and fifty people with us. Luke here was kind enough to show us this place, and he sometimes brings us food. He brought us some weapons, too."
"Oh, that reminds me," said Luke, reaching into the pocket of his boot-like shoe. He pulled out a small knife. "Here. This is for Warin. A birthday present from me."
Drake took it, smiling. "He'll be pleased. Come, sit. I'll go get you two some food," he said, leading the two of them over to where a small blanket was placed on the ground, along with two wooden bowls. Drake took the two bowls and walked away.
Terin looked at Luke, studying him. He wasn't a thief. Well, he was, but it was for a good cause. He was doing it to help these people, not for his own benefit. Terin felt a smile creep up onto his face, and looked away.
"...Now do yous ee why I can't go with you?" Luke asked, looking at the younger boy.
Terin looked at him again. "Huh?"
"I can't go with you, Terin, because I have a responsibility to these people here. They've been here for a while now, and I've been helping them. I can't just up and leave."
Terin nodded, looking away. "I...I understand..." he mumbled. "You can't go."
"i'm sorry," said Luke, and Terin was surprised to find that his voice was sincere. "I really am. I'd like to go, but I can't. I have a job to do, here. I promised these people I'd help them. I can't go back on it." he smirked suddenly. "Now, if you can find a way to convince me that going to the Crystal of Light will help these people somehow, I'll go."
Terin looked at him. "Really?" he asked, trying to keep the relief from his voice. "You will?"
"If you can convince me," he said with a nod. He smiled suddenly. "You're different. You want to help. I like that about you."
Terin felt a smile spread across his face. "Thank you," he said quietly. "And you helped these people and you want to help. I like that about you."
'Did you hear that, Saurian?' he asked of his guardian, his Crusian.
His guardian appeared in his head, smiling brightly, eyes aglow. 'Yes, I heard. He likes you. That's good, anyway. It means he trusts you a little. I mean, he trusts you enough to show you this place, right? You could easily rat him out in a heartbeat.'
'But I wouldn't do that,' he told his guardian with a small frown. 'I never would.'
'I know that. But he doesn't, necessarily. But he trusts you enough to keep your mouth shut. I think that's saying something. Keep working at it, and you'll earn his trust. But...if you break his faith in you, you'll be in some serious trouble.'
'I...I know,' he said. 'I won't break his faith in me. I won't.'
The Crusian nodded his head. 'Good. Then you should be okay.'
Drake came back with two bowls full of some sort of broth, a soup. In it were little chuncks of meat, and some vegetables. Luke smiled at him and nodded his head in thanks,a nd Drake smiled, sitting down next to him. Terin began eatin ghis food, surprised at how good it tasted.
"It's good," he commented.
"Thanks," said Drake, smiling.
"Welcome," he said, and went back to eating, far too hungry to talk. The food was far too tempting to stop eating. He ate it until there was nothing left, and suddenly longed for more.
Luke was finished eating, too, and looked satisfied. "Thanks, Drake. Tell everyone I said hi."
Drake frowned. "You're leaving already? But you just got here."
"I know. but I can't stay long. Terin has to get back."
Drake sighed. "Okay...I guess...if you must."
"Well, I can stay a little longer," said Terin, not quite wanting to leave. He didn't like seeing Drake's disappointed face, and he liked seeing the kinder side of Luke. "I don't have to go just yet. We don't have to, right?" he looked to Luke.
Luke smiled. "No, we don't, then."
Drake's face brightened up. "Good."
"Luke!" a voice suddenly shouted, hyper and cheerful.
They turned to see a young boy racing toward them, and Luke bent down. The boy ran into his arms, hugging him tightly, green eyes bright and vibrant. "Hey, Keyen," he said softly, gently. Terin was amazed by the change he'd seen in Luke. At the house, he'd been kind of hateful, hostile even, but he was a gentle, loving person who cared and wanted to help people.
The small boy wrapped his arms around Luke's neck. "You made it! I didn't think you were going to show."
"I always keep my word," said Luke. "Where's your brother?"
"Warin? He's coming. Mom had him help with something. It's his birthday, you know," he said, pulling away from Luke.
"I know," said Luke.
"Luke!" another small voice shouted, and another young boy raced toward them, running into Luke's now-free arms. Luke gave a short laugh and wrapped his arms around the smaller boy. "We missed you."
"Missed you too, buddy," said Luke, pulling away, sitting on his heels. He looked to Drake. "I got you a birthday present."
Warin smiled brightly, his cobalt blue eyes shining. "Really? Where?"
Drake bent down next to Warin. "Here. He got you this," he said, an dhanded him the small knife. Warin's eyes widened in delight as he too0k it, staring at it's sharp edge.
"Now you can be like your dad," said Luke witha small, easy shrug.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" said Warin, giving Luke another quick hug before he pulled back. Keyen went over next to his brother and stared at the knife.
"I want one," he declared.
"maybe one your birthday, kid," said Luke. "If it's okay with your mom."
"Oh, it will be," said Keyen, wiggling his eyebrows. Luke couldn't help but laugh, and Terin found himself chuckling. "She'll let me, don't worry."
"We'll see," said Luke, ruffling Keyen's sandy hair. "We'll see."
"Goody," said Keyen, a huge grin on his face.
"So, Luke," said Warin, and Luke's attention turned toh im for a moment. "When are you going to take me hunting?"
Luke frowned for a second. "Hunting? Isn't that what your father is supposed to do with you?" he questioned. "He said he was."
Warin shook his head. "No. He hasn't yet. He's been busy, you know. So...will you?"
Luke gave a small sigh. "I guess so," he said, relenting. "When?"
"...When can you?"
Luke looked to Terin, and then looked back at the young boy. "Tomorrow?"
Warin's face brightened greatly. "That's great!" he said happily.
Luke nodded. "Okay, then. I'll be here tomorrow sometime, and we'll go out and hunt. Maybe catch a rabbit or something. sound good?"
"Good?" asked Warin. "It sounds great!"
"Good. But we really ahve to be heading back now-"
"No," said Keyen. "You can't leave. You just got here. Stay for a while.
"But Terin has to get back-"
"In a little while," Terin cut in. Luke smiled at him gratefully, and Terin knew he wanted to stay for as long as he could. Terin smiled back.
"Right," he said. "In a little while. Where's your mother, anyway?"
"She'll be here in a minute," Keyen replied before Warin could. "She was cleaning up in the tent."
"I helped," said Warin proudly.
"Really now?" asked Luke, auburn eyes amused. At Warin's enthusiastic nod, he gave a laugh. "Well, good job."
"Hey, I helped yesterday," said Keyen, wanting some attention. Luke reached over and ruffled his hair.
"I'm sure you did. Good job, then," he said with another laugh.
"Kip was asking about you yesterday," said Drake as he looked at Luke.
Luke blinked. "I was here yesterday."
"Yes, but it was after you left. He was asleep when you were here, remember?"
Luke nodded. "Right."
"Well, he was asking about you. Maybe you should go see him. He's...feeling a little down. Because of his...accident."
"...Makes sense, I guess," Luke said with a shrug.
Terin looked back and forth between the two of them as they spoke, slightly confused as to what was going on. "What?" he asked, and then felt strange for asking.
"Kip," said Drake. "He's a little kid. He's twelve. Just turned twelve, actually. Or...was it thirteen?"
"Thirteen," said Luke. "He's thirteen." he laughed. "You idiot. You should know."
"Hey," said Drake, though he was smirking, struggling to repress a laugh. "I forget things, so sue me."
"maybe I will."
"You won't."
Luke laughed. "Fine, I won't."
Terin shook his head, but didn't say anything.
Luke got to his feet. "Okay. Take me to Kip, then," he said, and then gave a yawn. "And then I really need to go. I'm getting tired."
"YOu could stay here tonight," suggested Warin, blue eyes bright.
"yeah," agreed Keyen. "you could stay with us."
Luke shook his head. "No, I can't. I have to get Terin back. His father will worry."
Terin frowned. He dind't really want to go back. He felt at ease here, and he knew Luke did too. He didn't want to leave. But he knew his father would worry. But...maybe...he could stay the night, and go back in the morning, and then leave.
'What do you think?' he asked of Saurian.
Saurian appeared in his mind, rubbing at his eyes. 'Huh?'
'Should I stay here tonight? Luke wants to.'
'...I don't know,' said Saurian.
"Please?" asked Warin.
"Please, please, please?" asked Keyen.
Luke shook his head. "i can't. I'm sorry."
"No," said Terin. Luke looked at him, confused. "We can stay."
"Huh? Terin--don't you have to get back to your dad?"
"I can do it tomorrow. We can stay, if you want to. I don't mind."
Luke smiled. "Then we'll stay."
"Yeah!" Warin and Keyen echoed in unison.
"Take me to Kip," said Luke. Drake nodded and began leading the way, everyone following after him.
They walked to one of the tents near the creek,a nd Drake entered it. When he emerged, a young boy was with him, a bandage on his head. Hig golden eyes brightened when he saw Luke.
"You came!" he said happily. Luke nodded and walked forward. The young boy wrapped his arms around him in a hug. "They said you would, can never really be too sure..."
"I know," said Luke, pulling away. "How's your head? Still hurt?"
The boy nodded. "Yeah, a little. But it's not as bad. I feel better now."
"That's good."
"" he looked over at Terin and frowned, not knowing who he was.
"Oh, that's Terin. Terin, this is Kip," said Luke.
A female appeared suddenly, coming out of the tent. She had long, wavy brown hair and loving hazel eyes. She looked at Kip and said quietly, "Kip, you should be in bed. You're still injured."
"...But Luke's here," he whined. "Just a few more minutes? Please, Mom?"
She sighe dheavily, and then nodded. "Five minutes, Kip. Then you need to be back in bed. Resting." she looked at Luke and smiled. "Hey, Luke."
LUke smiled. "Hey, Amelia."
"And who is this?" she asked kindly, looking at Terin.
"I'm Terin," he said, smiling She smiled back, her smile oddly warm. He couldn't help but feel that he belonged.
"Well, hello there. Kip? Did your father say where he was going?" she questioned, turning back to her son.
Kip shrugged. "No. He didn't say anything."
She sighed. "Okay, then. He should be back soon, I guess. Remember, you ahve five minutes." she looked at Luke. "Make sure he gets back to bed in five minutes, okay?"
Luke nodded. "Right. Got it."
"Good," she said, and then walked away.
"So...when are you coming back? How long are you staying?" asked Kip, looking at Luke.
"I'm staying the night. I...don't know when I'll be back," he answered truthfully.
"You're staying the night?" Kip asked, seemingly elated.
Luke nodded. "Yeah."
'Wow,' Saurian's voice said in his mind. 'The kids seem to really like him. He's pretty popular around here. I wouldn't want to leave if I were him, either.'
'Really? It IS pretty nice. He does seem to e good with the kids...' he said to Saurian.
"Keyen, Warin, there you are," said a female voice.
They turned to see a lady walking toward them, with medium length blonde hair and green eyes. She looked down at the two younger boys.
"Hey, Mom," they said as one.
"Hey, boys," she said, and looked at Luke. "Evening, Luke. Who's your friend?"
"Terin, this is Tory. Tory, this is Terin," he said, introducing the two of them. Terin smiled at her and nodded, and she did the same back to him.
"Mom," said Warin, "Can Luke and terin stay with us tonight?"
"Please?" asked Keyen.
Tory sighed and smiled again. "Of course they can. Your father's home, by the way. He says he can do stuff with you two tomorrow, since he's got nothing to do."
Warin frowned. "But...Luke's taking me hunting tomorrow."
"Really, now?"
"Uh huh, he said so himself," said Warin.
"Your father said he would take you, Warin," she said, looking apologetically at Luke. "Sorry."
LUke shook his head. "None taken."
"But...Luke-" started Warin.
"Honey, your father wants to take you hunting tomorrow. You can go with Luke some other time."
"But...that's not fair!" said Warin. "Dad can never do anything with me, and the one time I make plansa, he gets to ruin them!"
"Warin, he's your father. He's busy working most of the time, to keep us safe. He wants to do something with you tomorrow. He said he's going to take you hunting."
"Hey," said Luke, smiling when Warin looked at him. "It's okay. Just go with your dad. We can go the next time I come back."
"But...who..." Warin's frown deepened. "But who knows when that will be."
"Shortly," said Luke. "I'll be back shortly."
"Mom, please-"
"No, Warin," she said sternly. "You're going with your father tomorrow, and that's that."
Warin growled and stomped off, Keyen chasing after him. She sighed and looked at Luke. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."
Luke smiled. "That's okay. I'm used to it. Anyway-"
"Attack! We're under attack!" a sudden voice boomed loudly. The voice was frightened and male, and seemed injured somehow. it was coming from the trees. "We're under attack!" they turned to see four men racing through the treees at a frighteningly fast pace, two of which were injured and bleeding.
Tory gasped and raced the way her two children had gone. Kip's eyes had gone wide and worried, frightened. "Dad!" he cried, and suddenly lurched forward. Luke looked again, and saw that one of the injured men was the young boy's father. Reacting quickly, he reached out and grasped Kip's shoulder, halting him.
"No, Kip," he said quietly. "it's too dangerous. Get to a safe place, okay?"
"No, my dad, let go!" he said, and struggled to break free.
Drake grasped Kip's other arm. "Come on, Kip. We need to get out of here. Hurry." he began pulling him along.
Luke looked at Terin. "You can go with them, Terin."
Terin frowned. "What are you going to do?"
Luke shrugged. "I said I'd protect them, and I will. Now, go with them, okay? It's dangerous."
Terin shook his head. "No-"
"Yes, Terin. Don't argue with me. Just go. Now."
Terin chewed on his lower lip. "Okay,'ll be okay, right?"
Luke smiled. "Of course."
"...Be careful."
"Are you kidding?" asked Luke, smirking. "Careful is my middle name. Now, go. I'll meet up with you later."
Finally, Terin nodded. "Okay. I'll uh...see you later, then," he said, and then began running the way the Drake and Kip had gone, hoping everything would be okay.
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