Luly Whisper

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I have 36 stories published in 6 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 49717 times and 10 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Luly Whisper's picture
Faith Bricher

My stories


Out in the sticks

The kitchen clock says 8:11. Leaving my breakfast tray, I go and stand at the back door, a school bell in my hand.


I wish I was back in my native land (though nobody knows me any more), where bladderwrack's strewn upon the sand, where choughs and wheeling seagulls cry,

In Hazelborough Wood

You come upon them suddenly, those swathes of bluebells intense in the clouded light, in this stillness. How many trees? no two alike, each one special.

What's that again?

The other day I stood under a bus shelter with one of those illuminated signs - perhaps you know the sort of thing:- 4 Bus Station 2 min 19 Town Centre 11:41

Springing back to life (IP)

The allotment field was made of leeks and cabbages, of abundant verdant spinach, of broad beans not yet in flower. Of brambles and tufts of grass.
