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I have 121 stories published in 8 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 241700 times and 72 of my stories have been cherry picked.
2 of my 57 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2 votes

maddan's picture
Dan Derrett

Not mad really, but am called Dan.

My stories


My Least Favourite Grave

I am trying to write a ghost story every month. Here is a grisly one for Halloween.

Via Bank or Via Charing Cross

I am writing a ghost story a month in 2022. This is September's
Gold cherry
Story of the week
Pick of the Month

Sea Mist

I am trying to write a ghost story every month. This one is about sailing.
Gold cherry
Story of the week

The Brambles

I am writing a ghost story every month. This is July's
Gold cherry

All Along And Down A Lee

I am trying to write a ghost story evey month this year. This month's is about folk music.
