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I have 121 stories published in 8 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 241699 times and 72 of my stories have been cherry picked.
2 of my 57 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2 votes

maddan's picture
Dan Derrett

Not mad really, but am called Dan.

My stories


The Base Rate Fallacy

I walk out the Old Bailey in disgust and go back to Bunhill Fields. Back to Blake, Bunyan, and Bayes. The police tape is long gone but you can see...

The Watchtower Project

So that you don't have to, your correspondent has listened to every* version of All Along The Watchtower available on Spotify.

Won't Somebody Think Of The Children

Bit long this one. Sorry about that.


(at the Alhambra Bar and Grill)

Chapter 104: A Bullet Soaked Night

King Kong and Elvis Presley team up to fight crime.
