I have 597 stories published in
2 collections on the site.
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and 9 of my stories have been cherry picked. 3 of my 316 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 3 votes
Days swiftly passing Like a double helix rainbow Spooned, breaths kissing, Her breasts sculpted, torso. Time! I a bird out hand, Touching her wingtips-nest; A root travellers, tideland
Give us some poetry? Me, we..? These are the words; Of Muhammad Ali..! Ail—baba-booyah! Ali The emperor of Horus Sang back the chorus Ail—baba-booyah! Ail—baba-booyah!
I've gotta wheel of hurt A millstone of pain That keeps right-on Turning right-on turning Right-on turning in on me Tears in my eyes Just when I hoped to realize!
Starlight..., is the milk breast of human dreams. Like a harlot in the fingering thighs of leaves. A rootless compendium with nonstop needs A straw sucked flower once more turning to seed,