I have 597 stories published in
2 collections on the site.
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Out of life’s billowing dust: Wings life’s transient –flower. The butterfly, diligently, For a day—without hour! …Songs soar; batons leap… The world and the wind:
“What the soothsayer says. Love is effortless as a dream”. Say’ what he wants, love’s neither Childs play, nor as easy, as it seems… It’s not ever easy or effortless.
There is, there is This ice curtain Of silent conversation A séance ordering… Watch and you’ll learn. {Understanding, unspoken}… How it works I’ve no idea.
Didn’t life see us dance? In the arms of death, That giver of breath, if, so. What commodities, do These smoke rings have left. Surely in essences burned It is purer, watered and fed.