mark p

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I have 170 stories published in 4 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 66825 times and 63 of my stories have been cherry picked.
6 of my 41 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 7 votes

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Mark Pithie

Poet , Prose Writer and occasional Blogger.

My blog is called The Eclectic Audiolab and includes poetry , short stories and music related musings and memoirs.

My stories


Cassandra Wilson

Her dark voice like velvet curling round cornet phrases unfurling in sepia-washed places miles away.


In the well trod landscape of the mind Of Hogmanays of days gone by I find my thoughts alight upon Dimmed recallings of Back Wynd Decades back , when...

Back Wynd of the Mind

Chip papers jostle for attention on a windy wynd And taxicabs are few and farther between. We watch the gravestones in St Nicholas Floodlit angels in...

Shameless Plug

Penderecki, Pere Ubu Yo La Tengo Husker Du Ornette Coleman, John Coltrane, Dr John and Georgie Fame Captain Beefheart Philip Glass John Foxx singing...

Sunbed City

Walnut skinned in Sunbed City career consumers all fake tan Z-list celebs- famed for shopping, spend-spend-spending all they can. Shopping malling...
